Drunk Driving Education

We take the issue of impaired driving seriously. Our lawyers and staff understand that drunk driving is dangerous and that it could put others at risk of harm. With that in mind, we stay up to date with changes in the laws and science of impaired driving, so we may provide serious representation to all of our clients. We also cultivate relationships with experts in the field of impaired driving so they can work with us when a particular client’s case needs an expert witness; such as when an impaired driving case becomes a felony when someone is seriously injured in a drunk driving accident.

About B4DD

The purpose behind B4DD, however, does not end with our skilled legal defense team. We also believe that our knowledge and experience in defending drunk driving cases positions our team to educate and caution others about the serious risk of drunk driving.

It’s been said that B4DD is a business, in business, with a goal to put ourselves out of business. If that means fewer impaired drivers on the road, then we’re fine with that. We believe that our experience in the impaired driving field lends credibility to the message that people should not drink and drive.

Anyone who has been through the legal system and defended a drunk driving charge can tell you there is great financial and emotional cost that comes with the process. If less impaired drivers mean a smaller number of clients, then B4DD welcomes that probability. Despite public awareness campaigns by state agencies like the Ohio Department of Public Safety and the Ohio State Patrol, or organizations like Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), many people continue to drink alcohol, take prescription or illegal drugs, and drive while impaired.

If you’re driving impaired, however, you not only put yourself at risk, you put others at risk of harm as well. One of our best trial lawyers at Busted For Drunk Driving.com, many years ago, and several states away, lost a total of five high school friends over an 18 month period due to automobile accidents related to alcohol and drunk driving. Not to sound like we’re standing on a soap box when we talk about our anti-drunk driving message, but B4DD strongly believes that people should not drive while impaired.

Many of us imbibe in our particular brand of ale or beer, and some enjoy their choice cocktail or mixed drink. But all of us at B4DD believe that anyone who is impaired should find an alternative and safe way home. We are not saying don’t have fun. We are saying drink responsibly and understand that there are many alternatives to driving impaired: use designated drivers; take a taxi; call a family member or friend; even split the cost with friends and take a limo out for a night on the town. Do something rather than drive yourself while impaired.

Several years ago at a seminar attended by drunk driving defense lawyers, an Ohio trial judge from the Cleveland area gave an interesting response when questioned by an attorney. Asked why judges tend to treat drunk drivers more severely than a person charged with assault and battery, the judge answered that in her view, assault and battery usually involves a mutual combat fist-fight, and a fight effects fewer people and puts less of society at risk of harm (people involved in the fighting, and perhaps observers in the immediate zone of danger). But when it comes to impaired driving, the judge declared every car, driver, passenger, pedestrian, or bicycle rider who an impaired operator passes on his or her way home is at risk of harm from a drunk driver.

Nonetheless, although we strongly believe that all of us should find an alternative and safe way to get home if we are impaired, Busted For Drunk Driving does not let our anti-drunk driving message to get in the way of our aggressive, knowledgeable, and skilled legal defense.

The lawyers and staff at B4DD believe in the fundamental concepts of justice and fairness. We agree that everyone has a constitutional right to have the state prove its case against any accused. Each person accused of a crime, including impaired driving, has a fundamental right to confront any witness and test the veracity of any evidence that might be used against them.

B4DD also believes that an accused has the right to test in court the weight and the sufficiency of any evidence brought by the state. If evidence is not sufficient enough to meet legal standards, then we believe that the accused has a fundamental right to ask a judge to suppress evidence or dismiss the case. If the evidence is not weighted in favor of the state’s case, we believe the accused has a fundamental right to ask a jury of peers to find the accused not guilty or grant an acquittal. Such concepts are fundamental standards on which our legal system has stood for hundreds of years. B4DD lawyers and staff strive daily to meet those standards in each one of our client’s cases.


Mothers Against Drunk Driving

the nation’s largest nonprofit working to protect families from drunk driving and underage drinking. http://www.madd.org/drunk-driving/ 

Fathers Against Drunk Driving

nonprofit that works to reduce and eliminate deadly alcohol related crashes on our U.S. highways, and eventually branch out to other countries. http://www.faddintl.org/ 

National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence

Since 1944, NCADD has proclaimed the value of awareness, education, prevention, treatment and recovery from alcoholism and drug dependence.

Drinking and Driving.Org

a non-profit teaching and inspiring other about drunk driving prevention. http://www.drinkinganddriving.org/ 

Governors Highways Safety Association

GHSA represents the state and territorial highway safety offices that implement programs to address behavioral highway safety issues including: occupant protection, impaired driving, and speeding. http://www.ghsa.org 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Founded in 1946, the CDC is one of the major operating components of the Department of Health and Human Serves and is recognized as the nation’s premiere health promotion, prevention, and preparedness agencies. http://www.cdc.gov/motorvehiclesafety/impaired_driving/impaired-drv_factsheet.html 

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Established in 1970, NHTSA is dedicated to achieving the highest standards of excellence in motor vehicle and highway safety, and works daily to help prevent crashes and their attendant costs, both human and financial. http://www.nhtsa.gov/Impaired 

Alcohol Research Group

Established in 1959, ARG (now of the Public Health Institute), conducts and disseminates high-quality research in epidemiology of alcohol consumption and problems, alcohol health services research, and alcohol policies, while also training future generations of alcohol researchers. http://www.arg.org/index.html

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Public Government Agency tasked with reducing the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities. http://store.samhsa.gov/home 

The Ad Council

America’s leading producer of public service communications since 1941.

Students Against Destructive Decisions

The original mission of SADD is to help young people say “No” to drinking and driving. http://www.sadd.org/

Do Something.Org

…one of the largest organizations for young people and social change.

If you have been arrested or cited with impaired driving, drunk driving, or OVI / DUI in Columbus, a surrounding county, or elsewhere in Ohio…

Call the legal team at B4DD for a free consultation:

in central Ohio call 614-478-8005; other areas call toll free 1-844-533-B4DD (2433).