DUI/DWI Defense Attorneys Whitehall, Ohio

B4DD lawyers and the legal network at BustedforDrunkDriving.com regularly represent clients in Mayor’s Courts in Central Ohio. If you’ve been charged with drunk driving or operating a vehicle impaired (OVI), formerly known as DUI, in the city of Whitehall, Ohio, our legal staff and lawyers can help you with your drunk driving case.

Whitehall, Ohio Mayor’s Court Information

The Mayor’s Court for Whitehall, Ohio, is located at 360 South Yearling Road, Whitehall, Ohio 43213. The current Clerk of Courts for Reynoldsburg Mayor’s Court may be reached by telephone at 614-338-3109.

The current Mayor of Whitehall is Kim Maggard and she usually appoints a Magistrate to conduct the hearings for Whitehall Mayor’s Court. The prosecuting attorney for the city is Michael T. Shannon, Esq., and his current staff is comprised of Attorneys Matthew R. Roth, Assistant City Attorney, Glenn P. Willer, Prosecutor, and Craigg E. Gould, Prosecutor.

More information about Whitehall Mayor’s Court may be found at the link below:


Whitehall Mayor’s Court is held before an appointed Magistrate, who is a licensed practicing attorney and appointed by the Mayor. The Magistrate has the power to render guilty, not guilty, or no contest verdicts and also assess penalties for any verdict of guilt. Such penalties are usually in the form of fines and/or jail time, or both.

The Mayor’s Court of Whitehall can assign the following Maximum Penalties for offenses if you are convicted in this particular Mayor’s Court:

  • Misdemeanor First Degree      (M1) 180 Days $1000.00
  • Misdemeanor Second Degree (M2) 90 Days $750.00
  • Misdemeanor Third Degree    (M3) 60 Days $500.00
  • Misdemeanor Fourth Degree  (M4) 30 Days $250.00
  • Minor Misdemeanor                (MM) No Jail Time $150.00

If for some reason the accused is not able to attend a scheduled court hearing, the accused must contact the Clerk of Court and request a continuance of the case. So long as the request is for a good cause, the Whitehall Mayor’s Court Clerk will usually re-schedule a case for a later date without assessing penalties.

However, any failure to appear for Whitehall Mayor’s Court on the appropriate date assigned by the Court may result in the issuance of an arrest warrant and a license block sent to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV).

The Mayor’s Court of Whitehall, Ohio, is not a court of record and the mayor or magistrate cannot conduct a jury trial. While it may be of some advantage to have your case heard in Whitehall Mayor’s Court, there may be some disadvantages as well. B4DD lawyers and the legal staff at BustedforDrunkDriving.com can advise you about whether you should keep your drunk driving case in the Mayor’s Court of Whitehall, Ohio.

Select a Mayors Court based on the city in the sidebar to the right

You are not required to have your case heard in a Mayor’s Court. Under Ohio law the accused has the option to transfer the case from Mayor’s Court to the larger Municipal Court for the particular County. Such transfer is at the option of the accused, as well as the Mayor’s Court itself.

Call the legal team at B4DD for a free consultation:

in central Ohio call 614-478-8005; other areas call toll free 1-844-533-B4DD (2433).